Middle School Testing Grades 6-8

 The State of Tennessee requires testing for all students enrolled in a public school. Listed below are the required tests for the 2023-2024 school year for grades 6-8. Please know that dates are subject to change and we will inform you as soon as we are aware of any changes. All of these tests must be taken in-person.

For questions about testing, please contact Dr. Jeannie Guess

  • Students who show up late to the test WILL NOT be admitted into the test room.

  • ALL legal guardians are required to sign-in and sign-out their student into the test room and show a photo ID.

  • ALL students should bring several pencils with erasers for notetaking.

  • Valid calculators are provided for math tests.

  • Students should bring a drink and a snack, but will only be allowed to have their drink and snack during breaks. No food or drinks will be allowed during the test. Please do not bring any snacks with nuts or cinnamon.

  • Tests are on computer. Computers are provided at the test site.

  • Tests will take place at the end of the school year in April and May.

  • State assessments will be administered for the following subjects and grade levels:

    • 6th, 7th and 8th grade

      • English, Math, Social Studies and Science


Plan to arrive at the test site at least 30 minutes before the start time in order to find parking and check your student in. Parents are welcome to stay at the test site, but can also leave and come back. The trained proctors on site will let you know the expected time that students will be finished. Please note that the end time of tests is subject to change due to several variables that could occur during testing.

TOPS has 5 test sites across the state (Bristol, Greeneville (For GCS students only), Knoxville, Middle Tennessee, and Memphis). Please scroll down and make sure you are viewing the correct test site. You should be testing at the location closest to you and the one designated upon enrollment.

Bristol Test Site

*Times posted are Eastern Standard Time. Please plan on arriving at least 30 minutes before the start of the test. 



Greeneville Test Site

*Times posted are Eastern Standard Time. Please plan on arriving at least 30 minutes before the start of the test. 



Knoxville Test Site

*Times posted are Eastern Standard Time. Please plan on arriving at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the test. 



Middle Tennessee Test Site

*Times posted are Central Standard Time. Please plan on arriving at least 30 minutes before the start of the test. 



Memphis Test Site

*Times posted are Central Standard Time. Please plan on arriving at least 30 minutes before the start of the test. 

