Career Resources and Inventories

Beneficial resources to assist you with career planning.

Kuder Navigator

Kuder Navigator is an online resource that helps high school students begin planning for their futures. It offers career assessments that specifically looks at personal interests, skills, and work values to help gage the best career choices. Kuder provides real-world skills on writing resumes, cover letters, how to find jobs, and preparing for interviews. Students create electronic portfolios, which are beneficial to share with prospective colleges and employers. The site also offers a college search engine. If you are interested in creating an account through Kuder Navigator, you must request an access code through the school counselor.


O*NET is an online career exploration resource that offers detailed descriptions of the world of work for job seekers and students. It allows you to explore careers and learn what jobs entail. Through their "My Next Move" you will be able to take career and interest inventories to better see what careers fit for you. It is a great tool for students seeking assistance in figuring out what career filed they should pursue in the future. 

Occupational Outlook Handbook

The Occupational Outlook Handbook is an online career guide to hundreds of occupations. It provides detailed information on required education and training needed for a desired job. As well as, the growth rate expected and projected pay. This resource is beneficial for those who have an idea of what career path he/she might take, and desires to learn more about the career they are planning to obtain.


CollegeForTN offers a variety of resources for high students to assist with life during and after high school. For career planning, this site offers career interest tests to help aid in finding careers that best fit you. This is a free resource for both students and parents. You must have a valid email address to create an account. It takes only 3 easy steps to begin. 

Myer's Briggs/Jung Typology Test

The Myer's Briggs/Jung Typology Test provides a helpful outlook in determining fitting careers and educational paths. This website offers the free Typology Indicator that includes the Career Indicator. To better understand your results from this particular test, contact the school counselor.

The Big Five Project

The Big Five Project measures what many psychologists consider to be the five fundamental dimensions of personality. To better understand your results, please contact the school counselor